1. Know Where the Main Water Shut-Off Valves Are 

As a homeowner, it is essential to know the location of the main shut-off valve and drain in case of a plumbing emergency. No one anticipates a burst pipe or a backed-up sewer, but being prepared can help avoid a flood in your home. By shutting off the main water supply, you can stop the flow of water and dramatically reduce costly water damage. 





2. Stop Flushing These Items Immediately

A common misconception is that any trash item can be flushed. The truth is flushing anything except toilet paper will lead to pesky clogs. Unfortunately, even products that claim to be “flushable” backup systems all the time! Similar rules apply to your kitchen sink. Do your best to never use the garbage disposal for coffee grounds, vegetable peelings, or grease. Why? All those items are notorious culprits for causing clogs.




3. Avoid Using Any Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners offer a quick fix for clearing a clog, but often the results are less than satisfactory! When these cleaners come in contact with the clogged substance, a chemical reaction occurs generating heat that can lead to permanent damage within your pipes. To avoid causing a bigger problem, try using a snake to ensure your pipes aren’t damaged and the clog is correctly cleared. 





4. Don’t Ignore Leaks

When you suspect or see a leak, even if it is small, it is important to take action instead of ignoring the problem. A leak can be costly in more ways than one leading to water damage and an increased water bill.  A running toilet will waste up to 200 gallons of water in a single day. Luckily, a knowledgeable plumber, like those working at Harry Hayes Plumbing, can quickly and efficiently resolve your leak to protect your home from excessive damage. 







Call (904) 723-5609 today and our expert technicians will assist you in solving all of your plumbing issues!